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FCIC - Freedom in Christ International Church Spiritual Realm

Bow Wow Events

Millennium Tour 2025 - March 7th to April 25th 

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Let's Talk with Bow Wow & Dr. Pearce

FCIC Prime Time
Bow Wow and I, Dr. Pearce work together as undercover agents of a higher power to empower agape love.

Christmas Blessings FCIC Style when supporting my Big Daddy: Bow Wow Advertisement Videos (Go, Look, and Buy) 
Red by Kiss: Bow Wow Hair Products
Kiss Colors and Care: Bow Wow Brushes
Red by Kiss: Bow Wow Hair Products 

FCIC's 1st Book
Now available and released in volumes

FCIC New Movie Releases 
Released December 25th 

Mr. and Mrs. Clauz
Now Showing

To be view movies in FCIC or become a member of FCIC Prime Time, there is now a monthly membership fee.

Yearly Income
No Income to $9,999

$10,000 to $29,999
  $9.99 a mth or $99 a yr

$30,000 to $49,999
   $19.99 a mth or $200 a yr

$50,000 to $99,999
  $29.99 a mth or $300 a yr

$100,000 to $499,999
  $39.99 a mth or $400 a yr

$500,000 to $999,999
  $49.99 a mth or $525 a yr

$1,000,000 to $499,999,999
   $99 a mth or $1,000 a yr

$500,000,000 to $999,999,999
  $199 a mth or $2,000 a yr

$1,000,000,000 and above
  $299 a mth or $3,000 a yr

A Blast from the Past!

Profane Language

Welcome to Freedom in Christ

FCIC Spiritual Realm Inc  
(Welcome Video)

FCIC - Freedom in Christ
International Church Spiritual Realm

(The old FCIC Website)

FCIC Prime Time, FCIC Spiritual Realm Inc., and FCIC - Freedom in Christ International Church Spiritual Realm fully and legally operate under my church call center "Freedom In Christ Int'l Call Center Inc" until further notice via the supplemental provisions of The Texas Secretary of State's Form 201 Certificate of Formation for For-Profit organizations.  Here in FCIC, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Our decision-making process is informed by comprehensive empirical studies and high-quality data evaluation. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits.

Available for those looking to learn more about the Word of God, make a personal and/or church video ad, interview live in FCIC "The Spirit Realm" [elementary session(s) are free - donations only], network nationwide, and help birth a new innovative and exciting way to service the people of God? Need a Church Workshop or to enhance your Algebra 1 skills [more of what' available seen in the Realm - not available to all]? Contact myself Dr. Chelsea Pearce at 214-984-9140.

Publicly Honored

The Color Purple

Oprah Winfrey, Fantasia, Tamela Mann, producers, and all involved respectfully and honorably blessed Dr. Pearce by including the intensified glory filled music Dr. Pearce uses during FCIC services.  The perfect preacher was chosen and displayed what certain individuals are doing to her in the natural. The Color Purple was released Christmas day of 2023. This is a must see movie.

Go and see what other surprises you will find.

Thank you Oprah!
Thank you Tasia!
Thank you "The Color Purple" Team...

Sermons (click here)

Need a break? Starting to realize there's just not enough time in the day to prepare Sunday's meal and the snack for Bible Study. Are you wanting a life outside of church? Are you feeling called but weighed down with responsibility? Use an FCIC sermon to lift the burden and/or give you a starting place. Being a teacher of the Word can be extremely time consuming. Given the massive amount of studying needed to finalize one sermon, FCIC wants to help.

Click the picture below to view sermons you can use to ease the burden. Make them your own. We are helpers one to another. 

Proverbs 10:26 The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it. (KJV) 

Need a Job? 

A Christian based Virtual Call Center stationed in the United States. Our leadership holds various awards in management, specializes in differentiating program guides to promote success, known for God driven customer service experiences, and selflessly operates with a spirit of excellence to gift customers a life changing encounter. 

Go to and create your profile. Use service partner id 585865 or FEIN 86-3754982.

PC Requirements (work from home job)

Must pass a background check
(if not passed inbox Dr. Pearce)

Send me an email once you have created your profile at and applied to

Freedom in Christ Int'l Call Center Inc

Spiritual News Update

Visit Facebook for your daily Spiritual News Updates.

Do you read "The Word of God"?

Some read numbers, pictures, movies, shapes, and movements. Others' signs, universes, solar systems, planets, and, magazines.

We are all human yet house different ways of reading literature. In our serving God, we understand he knows the number of hair on our head at any given time; our down sitting, uprising, and thoughts that are afar off (Psalm 139:2). And because we love him we're diligent in loving our neighbor as thyself to the best of our ability (Matt 22:39, Mark 12:31).

So, whether is it seen or heard, we all read the Word of God in some shape form or fashion. 

God is Love. But the "Pride of Life" spotlights what promotes isolation resulting in scrutinizing ones being because they don't meet the qualifications carnality called LOVE. This is what's done to fit in, be loved, not left out or laughed at; hence the reason we choose to not LOVE or support a person (Mark 12:31).  The world has defined this as "Playing the Game". But because God truly loves us, He gives us an abundance of wisdom and endurance to overcome the tricks of the enemy; what has been mastered by this evil and ratcheted world, Playing the Game: The Pride of Life.

Dr. Chelsea Chamese Pearce

If you are on your phone, turn it sideways to view the picture in the background.

My 1st Pre-Released Single

"Don't You Ever Give Up"

Masterpiece Productions Apostle Cedric Watson

Dr. Pearce's First Book

What Really Happened
"The 1st Church Scandal"

The very first church scandal.

Dr. Pearce's Inspirational CD

Looking Through the Eyes of God

Seeing the positive in a negative situation.


You know I'm wrong for this... 
This was created using my phone and windows movie maker. I didn't have my home studio then.


Realm Work: Doing it God's Way

Lyrics (click)

(Last song on the Pre-Released Album...the word spended is sung when it's not a word...How? I graduated from SMU in the top 2% ( #4 in my class) from Townview Magnet Center, and became a Master Teacher of Instruction)


An FCIC prayer service via Facebook in the natural

Spiritual News

Spiritual News via Facebook

Chelsea Pearce's Autobiography

''Chelsea Chamese (Silmon) Pearce'' (born July 1, 1981), better known as Dr. Chelsea Chamese Pearce or Kandy, is an educator of over 15 years, pastor, Overseer of FCIC Ministries, counselor, serves as an Apostle in her five-fold ministry, author, and gospel recording artist. Dr. Pearce is a mathematician that received her Bachelor of Art in Mathematics, studied Law, and later in life acquired a honorary Masters and Doctor of Divinity Degree. She is best known for her service to MISD and AISD where 100% of her algebra 1 students passed STAAR test a total of 4 times. Dr. Pearce has also hosted Freshwind on UANTV in 2013, honored by the Superintendent of AISD for her service to the Math Department of Lamar High School, is the author of the What Really Happened series published in December of 2019, released her first gospel single in 2010, and filed FCIC " Spiritual Realm" with the Texas Secretary of State April 9, 2018.

''Early Life''
Chelsea Chame`se Pearce is the proud daughter of Elder Bobby Silmon, founder of Greater New Hope COGIC, and Dr. Janice Silmon, District Missionary of the Grace Cathedral District of the COGIC "Sis. Jay". Her only living siblings are older sister Kim Ellis, an entrepreneur, and her younger sister First Lady Bobbie Carrington, founder of Carrington Real Estate Group. Chelsea was raised in Dallas, Texas. Received her education from John W. Carpenter Elementary, William Hawley Atwell Academy, Yvonne A Ewell Townview Magnet Center where she specialized in Law. She is a graduate of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. After college moved to Arlington, Texas.

In 2005, Chelsea started her teaching career as a math teacher in AISD where she directed the Voices of Praise Gospel Choir for 6 years. Moved to MISD for two years to teach Pre-AP students and 100% of those algebra 1 students passed the STAAR test both years. After missing home, she returned to AISD and trained other instructors how to design congruent lessons aligned to the Texas Standards (TEKS), analyzed results from District tests to identify root cause of poor test results, compiled results into categories to prepare analysis reports, conducted training courses that taught other instructors how to properly unpack standards, reviewed and understand root cause analysis, provided each instructor with congruent resources, designed congruent lessons that were provided over the AISD network, created student and teacher analysis for the 2015 curriculum assessments, chosen as one of the Conductors for the Common Assessment Edit Committee, and wrote math curriculum for AISD all while teaching in the classroom from 2010 to 2016. In 2017, Chelsea became a master teacher as an educator and in 2018 wrote all of Algebra 1's curriculum for DeSotoISD where she served as a master teacher. After becoming a master teacher, Chelsea dedicated her life to her FCIC ministry and begin to work from home.

Tokens of Love

Click each picture below for further details.

Christmas Games

Have fun this Christmas playing FCIC games.


Getting Shad's Name Tattooed on Me

My heart!

More From Dr. Chelsea Pearce (click to view video)

Chelsea Singing in the Classroom 

Teaching at Lamar High School in Arlington, Texas.

Looking to get signed and/or receive spirit lead guidance to help build the "Kingdom of God."

Singing at BBIC

Bridge Builders International Church

Pastor and Founder: Apostle Johnasen LoSolomon Pack Looking to get signed and/or receive spirit lead guidance to help build the "Kingdom of God."

Love u DaBrat and Judy as God ministers to your spirits

I'm so glad God called me and not people!

I'm tried of spirits being murdered then murders say, "1 John 3:15 is not talking to me;" when God chastens (Hebrews 12) not our existence.

If 'open rebuke' is better than secret love, not understanding to whom much is given much is required will slaughter a being's ability to love. Meaning, the only way to exude agape love is to walk in humility so your purpose for living is not self- centered.

This kind of rebuke is giving to those that have been tortured, broken, forgotten … Not Loved

I'm so glad God called me and not people

I'm tried our spirits being murdered and the murders' way of life speaking love is not real. Real love doesn't exist; agape love.

The tricks of the enemy say to love is to condone. What does that mean? To correct in humility! But what does that mean? DON'T

2 Timothy 2:23-25 tells us to correct in humility. So only love if it doesn't make you look bad Carnality's training … It doesn't allow individuals to see the good in themselves. Bash them … kill their spirit (1 John 3:15) … chasten them (Hebrews 12) … not allow God to rid of the iniquity they were shaped in IF present.

What iniquity you say? The results of what damned the world to hell when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of Good and Evil! It's said, "It's our job to get that spirit out;" not love. I can't be seen loving you (St John 7), No! Let them know we love them by giving an open rebuke because it's better than secretly loving them. Being broken hearted doesn't give the enemy more to play with …

Emotional eaters overeat, those never loved settle, starving entities scrounge for love and refuse to change never feeling real love 'agape love' again. Tough love doesn't push them further away from millions, being the CEO of their own company ... a richer life.

Sarcastically speaking: Jesus told us what His father's spirit was saying... He wanted us to know you hurt the heart, rebuke, tear down, embarrass us, and capitalize on the opportunity to get an offering; while being seen exercising what playing the game called, "The Pride of Life" has mastered ... sin-carnality! It's the way to go! I can't be seen not correcting what 'I know' is not an option; not what God speaks.

Is it because I don't really know Him? Have I been taught wrong? Taught to speak, sing it but live it? This is what breeds from ones being. God is not powerful enough to heal, gift, or celebrate one's arrival without it being spoken by the murders that they are God. To LOVE without bashing, hurting, controlling, beating, and tearing down is not an option.

Will be back after these message …

Dr. Pearce's Demo

Dr. Pearce needs your help. Let's help her finish her album! Includes her  single "Don't You Ever Give Up." Click the picture above to view the DEMO via YouTube. Lyrics and words copy-written by the US Copyright Office. Looking to get signed and/or receive spirit lead guidance to help build the "Kingdom of God." Use producer headphones for the best results.

Despite the spiritual warfare resulting in the word "Spended" being sung while recording Just Be Yourself, God is faithful.

Spiritual Walk
Reprise - Spiritual Walk 
God's Way
Don't You Ever GIve Up
Just Be Yourself
God Said It
I Won't Worry
Listen to Original Files Using Pro Tools

FCIC Gallery - Part 1 (click each picture below to view further details)

Freedom In Christ Ministries

More About FCIC Ministries


Dr. Pearce on TV 

Experience the worship side of Dr. Pearce.

UAN TV Network

Children Church 

The children watch YouTube videos and report in church.

Coming soon: Making videos and learning to play musical instruments.

Dr. Pearce Let's Talk Moments

How to Join

To join FCIC, pay your membership fee via PayPal or Venmo.